Okay, I admit it. You can maintain your weight for awhile continuing to dole out money to Weight Watchers, Zeal, Thrive, Advocare, etc. Go ahead, give it a shot, but the odds are that you will fail at those in time, with shame for the weight gain.
Eventually, you will be faced with an increased level of hunger (cravings) which you will probably attribute to being a lack of self-control and not what it truly is: a biological response to calorie restriction.
Eventually, you will be faced with an increased level of hunger (cravings) which you will probably attribute to being a lack of self-control and not what it truly is: a biological response to calorie restriction.
In the end, almost all end up to where they just need to eat (or go crazy) no matter what weight loss plan they follow.
Most have heard of the "Great Starvation Experiment". If not, check this out. Scroll down toward the end. Fascinating! As it turns out, these men experienced the back-lash of long term calorie restriction. Their inner cores would just not be satisfied, no matter how much they ate.
Most have heard of the "Great Starvation Experiment". If not, check this out. Scroll down toward the end. Fascinating! As it turns out, these men experienced the back-lash of long term calorie restriction. Their inner cores would just not be satisfied, no matter how much they ate.
Is this a lack of self-control? No. It's hormonal. Of course, I'm speaking as a laywoman. I am not into the science of it. I know what I've gone through; I've read what others have gone through. I've seen the statistics. They are alarming.
Forewarned is to be forearmed. You're going to WANT to overeat. So just make it part of the plan and quit guilting yourself or allowing the diet gurus out there to convince you that their plan is different. Save your money. There is a better way. The tool is already within your hands and it's free.
No, you don't have to go to paleo, LCHF either. You can eat however you want to, but none of us need to be told that we should eat better to be healthier. That is already a well established fact in our heads, like drinking water quenches thirst. You can use this with any diet plan you choose. One person's cheat may be donuts (mine) while another's may be popcorn. In the end, it is about sustainability AND a calorie base.
Forewarned is to be forearmed. You're going to WANT to overeat. So just make it part of the plan and quit guilting yourself or allowing the diet gurus out there to convince you that their plan is different. Save your money. There is a better way. The tool is already within your hands and it's free.
No, you don't have to go to paleo, LCHF either. You can eat however you want to, but none of us need to be told that we should eat better to be healthier. That is already a well established fact in our heads, like drinking water quenches thirst. You can use this with any diet plan you choose. One person's cheat may be donuts (mine) while another's may be popcorn. In the end, it is about sustainability AND a calorie base.
Planned cheat days (aka Spike Days), as long as they're figured into the entire equation, will relieve the pressure valve of calorie restriction. Without them, I'd have gained my weight by now. Just sayin'. :D
On my journey of weight loss, I always ended up with a cheat day to celebrate a loss. Don't throw rocks at me. It worked. :D Now i realize that what they did was both rev your metabolism AND release leptin. For me, this was THE recipe for success long term.