It is Better to be Thin and Eat "Bad" Food Than it is to be Overweight and Eat "Good" Food... While I'm not advocating bad eating - in fact, it's just the opposite - it is important to understand that body weight supersedes other risk factors.
Dr. James Johnson, author of "The Alternate Day Diet", pg. 10
Your body weight is more important than the precise balance of healthy and unhealthy fats or whole grains versus refined carbohydrates or the number of servings of vegetables you eat.
Dr. Walter Willett, Harvard Medical School
Food policing is putting the cart before the horse. We are all a work in progress, and almost all of us work better when we take baby steps.
We all know that we should be eating more healthfully. We don't need to necessarily be told that organically grown vegetables are better for you than the moldy ones Walmart puts out. We all know that drinking water's better for us than drinking diet pop, but if diet pop is keeping me from eating a donut, it is a better choice... at that moment. Baby steps are what got me on board with weight loss, and baby steps are still how I make sustainable life changes.
Dr. Johnson encourages us to eat what we normally would. This is partially what intrigued me about this lifestyle. He tells in his book that in time, our taste buds change, and we begin to crave healthier foods. That has most definitely been the case for me.
This will be a short addition to my blog because I'm craving Brussels sprouts, so I must run. 😀